Saturday, June 26, 2010

Ahoy Mateys!

My son has had a pirate obsession for years. This was from his 4th birthday party. It was my first shaped cake. I found a template online regarding how to cut and stack and I used his toy pirate ship as a guide. I just took it out of the fridge here, so the buttercream is sweating a bit. I just used a paper towel to carefully dab the drops away.

I set up two activity tables for the kids to start on while the other children were arriving. There were pirate puzzles and design your own pirate flags. I used thick muslin fabric and hot glued them to long cake dowels to make the flags.

In the pirate ship there are rolled up handmade treasure maps. First mate Madeleine and I came out to the park a few weeks ahead to map out the park and to decide what their treasure hunt route would be. If I can find where I put the extra treasure map I saved and put in that special place I would never forget, I'll post a picture of it, they turned out really great...

First mate Madeleine leading the boys to their booty!

What do we find here??

A treasure chest (that clearly I should have spent more time on, but what with those darned treasure maps and all, somethings had to be put off 'till last minute)
In the chest, the kids each found a burlap sack holding a bandana, an eye patch, Hershey's "treasures", gold coins, colored beads and skull and crossbone pencils.

Getting into their pirate gear.


Is it cake time yet??

The cannons are on fire, quick, blow 'em out!

Happy Birthday!!

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